
Title: Edge IoT development using Model-Driven representation: a use case for Smart Manufacturing Authors: Ivan Guevara, Amandeep Singh, Prof. Tiziana Margaria. Special Issue “Edge Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities” (MDPI Journal)

Title: MazeGen: a low-code framework for Bootstrapping Robotic Navigation Scenarios for Smart Manufacturing contexts Authors: Ivan Guevara, Prof. Tiziana Margaria. Special Issues “Materials Processing and Emerging Technologies”

Title: Low-code Internet of Things Application Development for Edge Analytics (Journal version) Section Emerging Trends in Sensors, IoT and Smart Systems, on “Multidisciplinary Research Perspectives for IoT Systems”


1) Guevara, I., & Margaria, T. (2021, September). Mazegen: an evolutionary generator for bootstrapping robotic navigation scenarios. Paper presented at the 37th International Manufacturing Conference, Irish Manufacturing Council.

2) Margaria, T., Chaudhary, H. A. A., Guevara, I., Ryan, S., & Schieweck, A. (2021). The interoperability challenge: building a model-driven digital thread platform for CPS.

3) Naredo, E., Ryan, C., Guevara, I., Margaria, T., Urbano, P., Trujillo, L. (2020). General controllers evolved through grammatical evolution with a divergent search. Paper presented at the GECCO.

4) Margaria, T., Chaudhary, H. A. A, Guevara I.(2022). A low-code proposal for a rule-based engine integration in a Digital Thread Platform context. The 38th International Manufacturing Conference (Dublin, Ireland)

5) Chaudhary, H. A. A, Guevara I. & Margaria, T. (2022). Low-code Internet of Things Application Development for Edge Analytics. 5th IFIP International Internet of Things (IoT) Conference.

6) Synthesis of smart manufacturing environments. Towards evolvable robotic navigation scenarios (2022). Electronic Communications of the EASST 81. IH Guevara.